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Tester son niveau d’anglais

Tester son niveau d'anglais

tester son niveau d'anglais

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Testez votre niveau d'anglais

Commencer votre test de positionnement.

Ce test est à réaliser en 30 minutes, sans aucun dictionnaire ni traducteur. En dehors de ces conditions, ce test n’est pas pertinent.

Veuillez compléter le formulaire ci-dessous afin de débuter le test. Se référer par la suite aux audios pour répondre aux questions 1 à 15.

30 minutes maximum
Dictionnaire ou traducteur interdit

1 réponse juste par question
Barème : +1 (bonne réponse)

Score max : 990 points (votre note sur 30 sera rapportée à une note sur 990)


1 / 30

Listening section : part 1

You will near some talks given by a single speaker

You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk.

You are allowed to listen to the talks only a single time.

Question 1

2 / 30

Question 2

3 / 30

Question 3

4 / 30

Listen to the speaker then answer the questions : 4  to 6


Question 4

5 / 30

Question 5

6 / 30

Question 6

7 / 30

Listen to the speaker then answer the questions : 7 to 9


Question 7

8 / 30

Question 8

9 / 30

Question 9

10 / 30

Listen to the speaker then answer the questions : 10 to 12


Question 10

11 / 30

Question 11

12 / 30

Question 12

13 / 30

Listen to the speaker then answer the questions : 13 to 15


Question 13

14 / 30

Question 14

15 / 30

Question 15

16 / 30

Reading section

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each or the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 16

Register early if you would like to attend next Tuesday's ***** on project management.

17 / 30

Question 17

Paul Brown resigned last Monday from his position as ***** executive officer of the company.

18 / 30

Question 18

The financial audit of Soft Peach Software ***** completed on Wednesday by a certified accounting firm.

19 / 30

Question 19

The organizers of the trip reminded participants to ***** at the steps of the City Hall at 2:00 P.M.

20 / 30

Question 20

***** is no better season than winter to begin training at Silver’s Fitness Center.

21 / 30

Question 21

The recent worldwide increase in oil prices has led to a ***** demand for electric vehicles.

22 / 30

Question 22

Maria Vásquez has a wide range of experience, ***** worked in technical, production, and marketing positions.

23 / 30

Question 23

Tickets will not be redeemable for cash or credit at any time, ***** will they be replaced if lost or stolen.

24 / 30

Question 24

If prices ***** much more, it will be hard for the company to stay in business.

25 / 30

Refer to the following letter. Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text

Ms. Monica Eisenman
555 Xing Street
New Zealand

Dear Wis. Elsenman:


Question 25

***** to confirm our offer of part-time employment at Western Entreprises. In your role

26 / 30

as research assistant, you will report to Dr. Emma Walton, who will keep you informed of your specific duties and projects. As we discussed on the telephone, you ***** twice a month. Hourly employees working fewer,

27 / 30

than twenty hours per week are not ***** to receive paid holidays, paid time off for illness,

or other employee benefits. Your employment status will be reviewed in six months.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Christopher Webster

Human Resources


Question 27

28 / 30

Question 28

What is the purpose of this advertisement?

29 / 30

Question 29

What will customers receive if they spend more than $10?

30 / 30

Question 30

What will happen on June 16?

Your score is


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